Air Gun-Rimfire Challenge

Match Director – Frankyln Kodl

Phone: (530) 826-6156

Assistant Match Director – Jim Bamber

Phone: (352) 318-8670



There will be a total of ten (10) to twenty (20) targets to shoot. These will be mixed at the Match Directors discretion (the term Match Director also refers to the Assistant Match Director if he runs the match). There may be targets at 25yd, 50yd, 75yd, and 100yd lines and at any point in between 25yds and 100 yds. The mix will be at the discretion of the Match Director, as will the sizes of the targets to be used at that particular match. Shooters will be called to the firing line at which time they will come to the firing line with an unloaded rifle, bipod or rests, and magazines. The shooters will be instructed to load and make ready. They will then load at the bench and assume the ready position. At the direction of the match director firing will start with closest target from the line. The shooter will continue to shoot until all targets are hit, or he/she is out of rounds designated for the match. Score will be the total number of metal targets hit during the round or by the smallest group using paper targets. Total number of rounds for each stage will be set by match director.

Centerfire – Second and fourth Thursdays of each month.


The match director will provide paper targets for the shoot and targets will be set at 50yd, 75yd, or 100yd. Five shot groups will be shot at the specific distance with both the air gun and .22 rimfire. Winner of match will be determined by the combination of air gun/rimfire smallest group. A separate target will be used for each firearm.