Varmint Rifle

Centerfire Match Director: Larry Taylor
Centerfire Assistant Match Director: Don Harvey

Rimfire Match Director: John Davis
Phone: (352) 493-1011
Rimfire Assistant Match Director: Kenny Long



Rimfire – First and third Tuesdays of each month.

Centerfire – Second and fourth Thursdays of each month.


at 8:30 AM, Shooting begins at 9:15 am.


Summer/Fall League – July 1 to Dec 31

Winter/Spring League – Jan 1 to June 30


Plaques at the end of each league phase. Number depends on number of participants. No ribbons.

Shoot Fee

$3.00 per gun entered.


This is the method of scoring which will be used for the Varmint (Rimfire and Centerfire) matches. If the shooter does not agree with the score on a target then a complaint may be filed before the end of the match. The shooter will pay a $3.00 fee so that the whole target will be re­scored by a selected committee (including the Match Director) by the Match Director. If the majority of the committee decides the complaint was correct (the shooter is correct), then the score is changed and the $3.00 is returned to the shooter. If the committee decides the original score is correct (the shooter is incorrect), the score stands and will be recorded, and no additional complaints may be filed on that target. The shooter will forfeit the $3.00 fee to the Fort White Gun Club.

Target Title Block

The shooter is required to enter two initials as the name
The shooter is required to enter the Target Number
The shooter is required to enter the Caliber being used
The shooter is required to enter the diameter of the bullet, i.e. .224 or .243
Procedures: Staples must be removed from the target prior to turning it in for scoring. In Rimfire competition the shooter will fire seven (7) shots at the target. It is the responsibility of the shooter to mark which two shots should not be counted by the scorer(s). In Centerfire competition the shooter will fire five (5) shots only at the target.

Target #1: Is a group target. The group may be shot in any area of the target. The extreme width will be measured by the scorer(s) and the bullet diameter will be subtracted for the final score for the target.

Target #2: Is a group target. The group may be shot in any area of the target. The extreme width will be measured by the scorer(s) and the bullet diameter will be subtracted for the final score for the target.

Target #3: Is a score target with five (5) separate bulls numbered one through five. The shooter will fire a total of five shots (7 for Rimfire), one on each bull of the target. If more than one Centerfire shot is placed in one of the bulls the score will count as a minus ten (-10). If the center shot does NOT touch the line of the ten ring, the shooter will be awarded eleven (11) points. Other shots will be scored on a Best Edge system for Rimfire and for Centerfire. If more than one shot is fired at a particular bull in Rimfire the shooter many not get more than one eleven per bull. It is possible for the shooter to obtain five (5) extra points on this target.

Target #4: Is a score target with five bulls. The shooter may fire all five (5) (7 for Rimfire) at the larger center bull. If the center shot does not TOUCH the center circle line twenty six (26) points will be awarded to the shooter. If any other shots fired by the shooter do not touch the center circle line only ONE twenty-six score will be awarded to the shooter. If the shooter decides to shoot at any of the other bulls on this target twenty six points may be obtained on each bull if the shot does not touch the center circle line. Other shots will be scored on a Best Edge system for Rimfire and for Centerfire. It is possible for the shooter to obtain five (5) extra points on this target.

Target #5: Is a score target with four bulls. The shooter will fire five (5) (7 for rimfire) at any of the bulls or one shot on each bull or any combination for a total of five shots in Centerfire. In the case of Rimfire, shot number six and seven may be fired on any of the bulls the shooter decides to shoot at.

The top bull: If the center shot removes the DOT completely the shooter will be awarded two extra points. The two extra points will only be counted one time even if more shots have removed the dot.

The three other bulls: If the center shot does not touch the center ring edge then one extra point will be awarded to the shooter. Other shots will be scored on a Best Edge system. A maximum of only ONE (1) extra point each may be obtained on the last three bulls. It is possible for the shooter to obtain five (5) extra points on this target.

Scoring Ranges for Group Targets

.000 – .100 13 points

.101 – .200 12

.201 – .300 11

.301 – .400 10

.401 – .500 9

.501 – .600 8

.601 – .700 7

.701 – .800 6

.801 – .900 5

.901 – 1.00 4

1.01 & Up 3

All ties broken by the competitor with the single best group.

Relay Length

10 minutes for group and score targets. 5 minutes for varmint targets.


Bolts open from vehicle to bench. Bolts open on cold line. Range Officer controls target posting and gun handling per FWGC rules.


See Varmint Discipline SOP

All participants to act as gentlemen while competing.