Enemy at the Gate

Match Director: Charlie Nelson
Phone: (386) 266-7312


The purpose of this match is for people who enjoy shooting military rifles. It uses any military style rifle/carbine or facsimile that is of mil spec and is divided into 3 classes by type. Rifles will be equipped with iron sights only and slings and spotters may be used. Factory and hand loaded ammunition may be used. This discipline requires no special clothing.

The match is shot at 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards respectively. Each competitor shoots five (5) rounds at each distance for a total of 20 rounds. Match winner is based on the aggregate of 20 rounds in each class.

All FWGC range and safety rules apply!


$5 member, $8 non-member

For details please see the Enemy at the Gate SOP (awaiting new version) or contact the Match Director – John Malone (352) 443-3765.


1st Saturday of each month from 12:00 Noon to 1:30 PM.