Black Powder

Match Director: Mark McMonigle
Phone: (352) 494-9106
Assistant Director: Kenny Long
Phone: (386) 454-4191


Rifle & Pistol Practice on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:00am.

Monthly Black Powder matches are held the 1st Saturday 8:30 – Noon.

Both rifles and pistols using percussion or flintlock are welcome. Beginners are encouraged to participate, and friendly help from those who are experienced is always available. No special costumes are necessary as this is a casual meeting to shoot together.

There is a local chapter of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Assn you can join as well. We need to maintain a minimum of 10 paid NMLRA members ($40 annual dues) to allow our local chapter to participate in official NMLRA matches; so if you are interested or you are currently a NMLRA member, please contact Kenny Long for more information.

Match Definitions

  1. Any Muzzleloading Rifle with iron sights (open sights or peep sights) firing a lead patched round ball with either black powder or an approved substitute.
  2. Cross Stick Description: Two pieces of wood with a maximum dimension of 1-1/” thick x 2-1/2″ wide x 40″ long. Bolted together approximately 4″ from one end. They should be pointed on the long end to facilitate insertion into the ground. No padding or sandbags may be used on the cross-sticks. A single thickness of light material or leather to protect the rifle may be used.
  3. Cross Shooting Position: Cross Stick matches must be fired from a sitting position. A piece of padding no thicker than 2″ may be placed on the ground to protect the shooter. The rifle will be supported by the cross sticks, one shoulder or both hands.
  4. Targets will be posted at our 75 yard marker. Targets will be approved NMLRA Buffalo or cross stick targets.
  5. Targets will be provided by the Club