
Article I     Name

A.  The name of this organization shall be the Fort White Gun Club, Inc. (“the Club”).

Article II     Mission Statement

A. The purpose of this organization shall be:

Encouragement of organized rifle, shotgun, handgun, and archery shooting by citizens of the United States with a view toward better knowledge on the part of such citizens of the safe handling and proper care of firearms, as well as improved marksmanship. It shall be our further purpose to promote the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team play and self- reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship and the foundation of true patriotism.

Article III     Membership and Dues

  1. Any citizen of the United States may become a member of this organization after:
  1. Submission of the Club Membership Application.
    1. Payment of the usual initiation fee and dues.
      1. New members dues will be based on the following schedule:

Jan. 1 thru Jun. 30 – 100% of current dues

Jul. 1 thru Dec. 31 – 50% of current dues

  • Annual dues will be due effective January 1 of each year, followed by a grace period until January 31.
    • Any dues not paid by January 31, will be considered in arrears.
    • Any member whose dues are in arrears will forfeit all club  privileges until dues are paid. Any dues in arrears will require a new initiation fee and 100% dues. 
    • Approval vote by the Executive Board.
    • Subscribing to the following pledge:

The NRA Pledge

I CERTIFY that I am a Citizen of good repute of the United States of America; that

I am not a member of any organization or group having as its purpose or one of

its purposes the overthrow by force and violence of the government of the United States or any of its political subdivision; that I have never been convicted   of a crime of violence; and that if admitted to membership, I will fulfill the obligations of good sportsmanship and good citizenship.

  • The Fort White Gun Club, Inc. will not refuse membership to anyone based on race, religion, sex or creed.
  • There shall be various classifications of membership within the Club:
  1. Family
    1. Individual 
    1. Junior
    1. Any other classification as approved by the Executive Board
  • Membership packets made up by the Secretary shall contain all membership requirements, qualifications, and information.
  • Family membership will have one (1) vote, individual membership will have one (1) vote, junior members will have no vote.
  • No officer or member shall profit directly or indirectly from goods or services furnished by or to the corporation.
  • Members are considered to be in good standing if they meet the following criteria:
  1. Dues current
    1. Not currently suspended or under disciplinary action by the Executive Board.
  • All members will be listed on the Membership Roster. This roster is to be used exclusively for the mailing of  Club related materials. At no time will this roster be given, lent, leased or sold to any individual (member or non-member) or organization including the National Rifle Association. Insurance requirements exempted.
  1. All members and guests shall abide by the Range Rules and Special Range rules set forth by the Club. Violation of these rules could result in a written reprimand, suspension, or expulsion. Any complaints or charges brought forth for potential disciplinary action shall be reviewed by the Chief Range Officer and recommendations made to the Executive Board by them. Disciplinary actions and/or written reprimands shall be placed in the member’s file.

Article IV     Meetings

  1. A General Membership Meeting will be held in April and November. The April meeting shall be for the purpose of Election of Officers.
  • A Meeting of the Executive Board will be held no less than eight (8) of the remaining ten (10) months in the calendar year to conduct the regular, ordinary business of the Club.
  1. Meeting day, place, and time shall be announced in the newsletter of the Club.
    1. Board meetings are open to all members in good standing.
    1. Five (5) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Board.
  • A Special Meeting of the Members or Executive Board may be held for the following reasons and notice given as follows:
  1. Upon a call of the President.
    1. Upon a call of the Executive Board.
    1. Upon demand of the Membership in writing, stating the subject of the proposed meeting, and signed by not less than 15% of the members entitled to vote.
    1. Notice of the time, place, and subject of the Special Meeting shall be given to all officers and members in good standing
      1. in writing by United States mail
      1. not less than seven (7) days prior to the date fixed for holding of the meeting
      1. at a place determined by the Executive Board

Article V     Election of Officers

  1. Elections will be held at the April General Membership meeting.
  • The Election of Officers shall not be postponed beyond 30 days of the first full weekend in April.
  • A Nominating Committee Chairman shall be appointed by the President at the January Board meeting.
  • The Nominating Committee:
  1. Shall be selected by the Committee Chairman.
    1. Shall be composed of at least three (3) additional members in good standing.
    1. Shall not include more than one (1) Executive Board Member.
    1. Shall become the Election Committee on the day of the Election.
  • Candidates shall have been a member in good standing for a minimum of twelve

(12) months consecutively prior to the date of Election. 

  • The President shall provide a list of candidates to the membership in a newsletter mailed at the end of February.
  • Voting for officers shall be conducted in the following manner:

1. There will be one (1) ballot issued to each voting member;

  1. All ballots will be distributed via First Class US mail prior to March 7th.
    1. Returning of ballots (one per envelope) must be accomplished either via First Class US mail to the Club’s Post Office Box in the envelope provided or hand delivered to a Nominating Committee member at the April General Membership meeting sealed in the envelope provided. No replacement ballots will be issued at the April General Membership meeting. However, a lost ballot may be replaced by request to the Secretary within a sufficient time to allow for US mail delivery.Each voting member shall be allowed to cast only one (1) vote.
    1. Votes will be tabulated by a committee appointed by the Nominating Committee Chairman. Committee size shall be three (3) to five (5) members in good standing.

Article VI      Officers

  1. The Officers of the Club:
  1. Shall be members in good standing.
    1. Shall be elected by ballot of the members in good standing at the April Membership Meeting.
    1. Shall hold office for one year as long as they remain a member in good standing or until their successors are elected.
    1. Shall be at least twenty one (21) years of age on the election date.
    1. Shall obtain individual membership in the National Rifle Association within (60) days of election and continue the membership for their tenure in office.
    1. Shall not include two (2) persons living in the same household.
    1. Shall as a group be referred to as the Executive Board.
    1. Shall have general supervision of all activities of the Club. The Executive Board may make agreements with other organizations and individuals to carry out objectives of the Club.
  • A vacancy on the Executive Board may be filled with a nomination by the President and a majority vote of the Board. However, if more than two vacancies exist, a Special Meeting of the Club shall be called and new officers shall be elected to serve in those vacancies until the date of the April General Membership Meeting.
  • The Executive Board shall be composed of the seven (7) officers listed below whose duties are as follows:
  1. President 
    1. Shall preside at all meetings.
    1. Shall be a member ex-officio of all regular and special committees.
    1. Shall officially represent the Club at all external activities.
    1. Shall appoint committee chairmen for the Nominating Committee and Audit Committee. 
    1. Shall appoint all special committee chairmen including Match


  • Shall present a budget proposal annually for approval by the membership at the regular May meeting. The approved budget shall stand for the fiscal year. 
    • Shall countersign all checks issued for payment of approved expenditures.
    • Shall have the option to appoint a Sergeant at Arms.
  • Vice President
    • Shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or at his/her request.
    • Shall countersign all checks issued for payment of approved expenditures in the absence of the President.
  • Recording Secretary
    • Shall prepare all official correspondence which shall be approved by the Executive Board prior to distribution.
    • Shall prepare and forward all required club reports.
    • Shall notify the members of the Executive Board of all meetings.
    • Shall notify all members of  special and annual meetings.
    • Shall keep the minutes of all meetings (a recording device may be used). These minutes and/or tapes shall be retained for a period of two (2) years.
    • Shall be responsible for producing newsletters.
  • Membership Secretary
    • Shall receive all applications for membership.
    • Shall be responsible for the collection of all fees and dues and shall remit these dues to the Treasurer who shall acknowledge in writing receipt thereof.
    • Shall maintain a current version of the Membership Roster.
  • Treasurer
    • Shall have charge of all funds and assets of the Club.
    • Shall place all funds in such Bank or Banks as approved by the Executive Board.
    • Shall prepare and sign checks for approved expenditures. Checks will be countersigned by the President or Vice President in the absence of the President.
    • Shall keep accurate account of all income and expenditures.
    • Shall render a detailed report with supporting documents at all Executive Board meetings and any other meeting upon written request by a member submitted to the Secretary fifteen (15) days prior to said meeting. 
    • Shall make all financial records available for an annual audit.
    • Shall ensure that account books are closed following the annual audit until after annual election of officers.
    • Shall publish a budget analysis annually.
    • Shall remit sales tax to the State of Florida Department of Revenue as required.
    • Shall coordinate completion of Federal and State annual tax returns by Club CPA.
    • Shall maintain the inventory of the Club assets.
  • Chief Range Officer
    • Shall have charge of all small arms instruction.
    • Shall have authority to appoint his assistants.
    • Shall have charge of the ranges of the Club.
    • Shall coordinate the scheduling of all matches and other range activities.
    • Shall have charge of all range improvements as approved by the Executive Board.
  • Range Maintenance Officer
    • Shall be in charge of upkeep and improvements of all ranges and equipment at the direction of the Chief Range Officer.
    • Shall contract no bills without authorization of the Executive Board.
  • In the event that the seven officer positions cannot be filled the Club may operate with five officers whose positions shall be titled President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chief Range Officer.

Article VII      Disciplinary Actions 

  1. Any officer or member may be immediately suspended from the Club for any cause deemed sufficient by a quorum of the Executive Board. In the case of an officer he/she will be entitled to vote until suspended.          
  • Charges against any officer or member may be preferred by any member in good standing.
  1. Charges shall be in writing and state the facts.
    1. Charges shall be accompanied by all affidavits or exhibits which are to be used in their support.
    1. Charges shall be filed with the Secretary who will notify the President to call a special meeting (hearing) of the Executive Board to hear the charges and decide if a suspension is warranted.
      1. No suspension shall exceed thirty (30) days.
      1. The accused shall have a special meeting (hearing) within that thirty (30) days. 
    1. The Secretary shall give not less than seven (7) days prior notice of the special meeting (hearing) date to all officers and members in good standing. Said notice shall be in writing and will include a copy of the charges, and time, date, and place of the hearing. Supporting affidavits and exhibits will also be sent to the members of the Executive Board, the accuser(s), and the accused. 
  • Any officer or member may be expelled from the Club by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing present at the special meeting (hearing) called for this purpose.
  • Any officer or member of the Club who has been suspended or expelled by the National Rifle Association shall be automatically suspended or expelled from the Club immediately upon receipt of official notice from the NRA. The Club duration of the suspension or expulsion shall be for the same duration as the NRA.
  • The National Rifle Association may be given a complete report whenever an officer or member of the club is expelled. The report will detail all charges and the action taken.  

Article VIII   Budgets and Audits

  1. Budgeted expenses shall be approved by the membership at the May meeting. This authorizes use of the specified funds in the identified categories for operation of the Club during the following year.
  • Unanticipated expenses which are not included in the annual budget such as emergency or safety issues may be authorized by a majority of the Executive Board without a vote of the membership. Non emergency expenses which are necessary to conduct the business of the Club must be approved by the membership at a regular or special meeting called for that purpose.
  • Annual audit:
  1. Shall be performed by a committee of five (5) members in good standing appointed by the President.
    1. Shall be performed within ten (10) days prior to the annual April meeting at which time the books will be closed until the Election.
    1. A report of results shall be presented to the membership at the annual April meeting.

Article IX   Amendments

A. Any proposed amendment(s) to these By-laws may be introduced by any member in good standing at a regular or special meeting. Proposed amendment(s) must be accompanied by signatures of at least twenty-five (25) members is good standing.  The proposed amendment(s) must be acted upon by the membership at a regular or special meeting called for that purpose, provided that a copy of the proposed amendment(s) has been sent to each member via their email on file at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting. A two thirds vote for approval by the members present will be necessary to pass the proposed amendment(s). Amendments proposed within the board are exempt from the twenty-five (25) member signature requirement. All other requirements are to be complied with.  

Article X   Gender

A. Any reference made to gender M/F shall include both.

Article XI   References

A. Any reference made to “Club”, “Organization”, “Fort White Gun Club”, “Fort White Gun Club, Inc.”, or “FWGC” shall mean Fort White Gun Club, Inc.

Article XII   Dissolution

A. In the event of a dissolution of the Corporation, for any reason whatsoever, all assets or funds remaining after payment of debts shall be given to a Not-for-Profit organization with purposes similar to those of the Corporation.