Board Meeting


The Board of Directors usually meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 4:00 PM. This is a private club meeting but open to to all members in good standing who are encouraged to observe the proceedings. The clubhouse will be opened for members approximately 10 minutes before the meeting comes to order. The opportunity to comment before the Board will be afforded all members at the end of the meeting for a specified period. Members desiring to comment before the Board will provide their name and their member status (voting or family). Wait to be recognized before speaking, and treat everyone with respect. Please do not interrupt the meeting in progress and have your mobile phones silenced or leave them in your vehicle. Board meetings are not a venue for argument or negotiation. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. The minutes of the previous meeting and current financial reports are approved. Continuing business is followed by new business. Voting on issues is done only by the Board at these monthly Board meetings unless there are issues that the by-laws specify must be decided by the members present.

There are two general membership meetings held in November and April. Elections are held during the April meeting. After the adjournment of monthly meetings, Board members may elect to stay to handle bills and admin items.

Club records may be inspected by making a written request by USPS, to, Board of Directors, Ft White Gun Club, PO BOX 435, Ft White, FL 32038. The member must give the Club at least 10 business days before the date on which he or she wishes to inspect and copy. The member’s request must be made in good faith and for a proper purpose. The member must describe with reasonable particularity his or her purpose and the records he or she desires to inspect. The records must be directly connected with the member’s purpose.

The minutes are password protected. Please use your gate combination to view them.