The word “Range” applies to all ranges on our property
1. The Fort White Gun Club will operate under standard National Rifle Association (NRA) rules or other affiliates as applicable.
2. Fully automatic weapons, tracer rounds, 50 cal. BMG and 416 Barrett rounds are prohibited. No armor piercing ammo, no steel shot or shot larger than #7 1/2 on the Clays Range, no 338 Lapua.
3. The Range hours will be from 9:00AM to sunset, except Sunday.
4. Sunday Range hours will be from 1:00PM to sunset (STRICTLY ENFORCED!).
5. The Range will be closed any day of the week upon request of the Heavenly Rest Cemetery Committee during Church Services and burial hours. Closing will be posted on the FWGC website, and a Special lock will be placed on all gates with a sign stating: FUNERAL.
6. A sign-in/out roster will be always logged. On the Sporting Clays range the score sheet will be the sign in roster.
7. All guests must be logged in and accompanied by a member in good standing. The maximum number of guests per visit is 2 (if the member is shooting only 1 guest is permitted at the firing line) if the member is not shooting both guests are permitted at the firing line). All guests will sign a Release of Liability form. Shooting guests may use the Range one (1) time only.
8. Junior members must be accompanied by an adult member in good standing, children under 8 years old must be supervised by an adult (Within arm’s reach and never on the firing line).
9. Membership ID Card must be displayed while on the Range!
10. While on the pistol, rifle, and shotgun ranges all firearms must be kept unloaded until on the firing line. Drawing a loaded handgun from a holster or waistband is not permitted on these ranges.
11. All Firearms will have the muzzle pointed downrange while on the firing line. The 170 degree rule shall apply. All firing will be done from behind the firing line.
12. The use of drugs or alcohol before or during shooting is prohibited.
13. Safety glasses and ear protection must be worn when on or near the firing line.
14. Threatening behavior whether verbal or physical is prohibited. Violations will result in immediate disciplinary action.
15. All targets must be properly mounted on FWGC approved target stands and must be mounted within the 2 foot square at the top of the stand. Shooting at objects on the ground is prohibited.
16. Human Silhouette Targets are PROHIBITED. However, the following examples of Silhouette Targets are AUTHORIZED for use – see these diagrams.
Steel Targets are PROHIBITED on the rifle/pistol ranges except those used during Board Approved/sanctioned matches or board approved permanent targets.
a. NO armor piercing rounds of any kind, including steel core, SS109, M855 green tip or solid copper rounds. (Hollow point, expanding and full metal jacket bullets are permitted.
b. NO rifle calibers larger than 30 calibers are permitted.
c. NO rifle ammo with a velocity over 2800 fps except for 223/5.56 is permitted. Minimum velocity of 750 fps is required.
17. Use of multi pellet shotshells on the rifle range and pistol range is prohibited.
18. When the range is declared “COLD” handling or touching guns is Prohibited. Shooters and guests must remain behind the RED line unless changing a target. All guns on the tables or bench will have the action or cylinder visibly open.
When the range is called COLD, before going forward of the Firing Line, the range RED alert light/bell must be turned on notifying all that the range is COLD, and handling of any firearms is prohibited and stand behind the RED line until the alert signal is turned off and safe to move forward to the firing line again.
19. Squib/misfire rounds must be placed in the container provided. DO NOT place it in trash cans.
20. Spent brass must be placed in the container provided. DO NOT place it in trash cans.
21. Please clean up your brass and trash after shooting.
22. Bench rests must not penetrate or damage concrete shooting benches, must use with protective pads on feet.
23. No animals are permitted within the fenced-in range area.
24. Use of the Sporting Clays range requires two (2) persons, one of which must be a FWGC certified trap operator.
25. All guests, both shooting and non-shooting, are subject to the same rules and by-laws as members and it is the responsibility of the member to ensure that their guests are complying.
26. All incidents involving safety procedures or injury must be written up in the Club’s Incident Report, found in the sign-in book. A club officer must be contacted after any emergency procedures are initiated.
27. No smoking under any covered area.
28. Any violation of the above rules may result in a fine, suspension or expulsion from the FWGC.
Exception to Range Rule #23
Exception to Range Rule #23 May be made on a Case By Case basis for SERVICE DOGS ONLY, on club Property
Request must be approved by the Match Director in advance of the event.
No Service Dogs will be allowed on the Firing Line.
The Owner is responsible for the actions of their Service Dog(s) and must always maintain control of the Service Dog.
Disruptions caused by the Service Dog may result in the Shooter/Owner being Disqualified from the match and/or asked to remove the Service Dog from the Range.
EMERGENCYS: Call 911 and have someone go to the Rifle/Pistol Gate and unlock and to direct Fire Rescue/Police/Ambulance or other emergency vehicle to the Emergency!
NOTE: Cowboy and Sporting Clay Ranges have additional Range Rules that also need to be adhered to while on these ranges
Rifle & Pistol Range have special rules that govern the caliber and type of ammunition that can be used when shooting at the long-range metal targets:
Download Cowboy Range Rules (Awaiting New Version)
The following rules are in addition to the FWGC Range Rules on the Cowboy Range:
1. Ammunition requirements are lead only (no metal jacketed or plated bullets). No gas checks. Shotgun pellets no larger than #4.
2. Ammunition velocity limits are 1000fps for pistols and 1400fps for rifles. These limits apply to all SASS Matches also.
3. The only exception to Rule 2 applies to the EDC/Home Defense Discipline. Velocity for this Discipline is 1200fps for pistols and 1400fps for Pistol Caliber Carbines.
4. Individuals practicing on the Cowboy Range must have successfully completed a SASS RO or NRA Certified Range Safety Officer course and must also have been actively shooting at least one of the disciplines on the Cowboy Range for at least 6 months. If two or more persons are practicing at least one person must possess one of the above ratings.